OKeefe Media Group
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LIVE from Mt. Laurel, NJ - Voters Waiting in 4+ Hour Long Lines, Voters Are Calling This a "Disgrace"

James O'Keefe is on the ground in Mt. Laurel, NJ, speaking with voters who have been waiting in line for hours with no clear explanation as to why the process is taking so long. Voters are expressing frustration, as they’ve been standing in line without receiving updates or information. The delays are impacting people’s ability to cast their votes in a timely manner, and many are seeking clarity on what’s causing the holdup.

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What would you want to ask a CIA agent if YOU were an American Swiper? 🕵

Catch "American Swiper" streaming NOW only on UNIFYD.TV!


DEEP STATE OFFICIAL WADDLES AWAY: Top White House Advisor Confronted By O’Keefe for Admitting on Tape ‘The Deep State Is Real’

"You are on notice. You either say these things openly and publicly, or we catch you on tape," asserts James O'Keefe while confronting Byron Cohen, an advisor at the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, after O'Keefe Media Group released undercover footage showing Cohen admitting that ‘the deep state is real.’

O'Keefe pressed Cohen to clarify his earlier comments about the bureaucratic structure, which Cohen claimed operates by "creating commissions" to protect “its own interests.” Cohen responded defensively, saying, “I’m not really interested in having this conversation.” O'Keefe replied, “You’ve already had the conversation. I have it all recorded.”

Despite Byron’s attempt to deflect, O'Keefe continued questioning his views on the bureaucracy. O'Keefe asked whether it was a “good thing” for the bureaucracy to operate as Cohen had described, to which Cohen responded, “In general, the bureaucracy ought to implement the policies of the ...

‘THE DEEP STATE IS REAL:’ White House Advisor Reveals How Bureaucracy Protects “Its Own Interests"

“They joke about the 'deep state,' but to some degree, it’s real,” admitted Byron Cohen, an advisor at the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, to an undercover OMG journalist. Cohen, a holdover from the Biden Administration, is currently lent to the office through the Horizon Institute for Public Service. He revealed the extent to which the bureaucracy operates with its own hidden priorities and safeguards, adding, “It’s not just a matter of ordering people to do things. They have ways to slow things down or block you without you realizing it.”

Cohen exposed how federal agencies protect their own interests, revealing, “An agency isn’t going to want to give up money or control without a fight.” He explained that bureaucracies can “slow-walk” initiatives or “pretend to work really hard on something when they’re not.” According to Cohen, “a sophisticated bureaucrat can do a lot to run circles around an unsophisticated political appointee.”...

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Am I crazy?
Sometimes I suspect a distributed, semi-emergent AI, is already largely determining events.
People we see as responsible for the destruction of our freedom may be nothing more than meat based terminals in a global network.
It would explain why everything looks both haphazard, and conspiratorial.

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UPDATE: The Federal Bureau of Prisons has responded to our request for comment

UPDATE: The Federal Bureau of Prisons has responded to our request for comment regarding the proposed policy downgrade of child exploitation offenses from "high severity" to "low severity." Their statement reads:

"As this policy is in the process of being updated, commenting on potential changes that have not yet been collectively bargained with the National Union is premature. Therefore, we have no comment to provide at this time."

We remain committed to following this issue and will share further updates as they become available.

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