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Just want to respond to James's sad tweet (first photo attached below) on the state of the union… Adam and Eve in the 21st century. Eve tells Adam not to tell the truth because (my guess, because I’ve been in the elegance and high-life circles) she can’t brag about her Ferragamo anymore or go on luxury cruises, and the black cars of the three-letter agencies are showing up at their (or her mother’s) house almost giving her (or her mother) a heart attack.

On the third & fourth screenshots, my response is: everyone is a target whether they are aware of it or not, whether they like it or not. So what's there to lose? This vast and beautiful country 🇺🇸 is the final frontier for freedom, and everywhere else is subjugated to the whims of the administrative state, to my chagrin. More on this later.

Honestly I think those wives are so short-sighted: maybe when they set up their dating profiles as single ladies, they cared about a “man with a provider mindset” so that they could afford Hermes or LV or the elegant lifestyle of the rich (even in HK, government workers don’t worry about being fired as much as the populace, Gov’t jobs are called an “iron rice bowl” for their guarantee of job stability. Rice is the Asian staple grain) while leeching on their guy who’s dying on the inside because he has to turn a blind eye to evil just to get by. The divorce settlement will only empower such Karen’s. Also, the feds will still show up at her door or the in-laws’. Just coz you legally separate from a good man doesn’t mean you’re free from the “consequences.” Ride or die.

Hong Kong is already a lost cause. Even the recording laws (final photo in this post) are not amenable to hidden camera reporting anymore. Only public photography & video recording allowed.

The line between good and evil really does run in the human heart. And in families. In the Bible a wife once told a good man to curse God because the devil caused Job’s life to be 100x SHTF:

Job 2:9-10 KJVS - Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.
10 But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.
Also the Lord Jesus Christ said:

Luke 12:51-53 KJV
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: [52] For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. [53] The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Why did those women marry these righteous men in the first place if it’s not to take a cut later down the line? Also, if a husband loses his soul and/or moral compass, wouldn't his wife/children become the next victim(s) of abuse or other forms of injustice, domestic or otherwise? Like a family/generational curse.

In Malaysia (my country of birth), there was once a news item which I can’t trace (probably 2015-16 or earlier) but I’ll try to find it — I clearly remember because it was in the Malaysian newspaper 📰 :

A policeman’s wife told him not to shoot thieves and robbers because she wants him safely home. One day he was on duty and the thief shot the policeman. Needless to say… the policeman died.

May these border patrol agents with a clear conscience respond to their SO’s wisely.

Also, may our single men and women who desire a life partner have such integrity that they spur each other on to good works, do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the true God together. (Hebrews 10:24-25, Micah 6:8) Then they won't end up with someone who has a weaker moral compass down the line.

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"Line in the Sand" Available NOW!

"Mr. Perez, how do you know what's happening?" an OMG journalist asks during their investigation at the border.

Perez calmly replies, "Because I've seen it all."

See his full testimony and exclusive footage of what’s really happening at the border in "Line in the Sand," streaming now at TuckerCarlson.com.

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Will @OKeefeMediaGroup be having telethons again this week?

I think it's up to those who've watched to help spread the word, as well as bring in friends and family to watch it during gatherings. James can't do it alone.

The subscriber's comment is spot-on. Have this movie crowdfunded ($1.4m — I read in your newsletter titled "World Premier: A Line in the Sand" sent ~9/27) and then you can feel better about releasing it to a wider audience sooner, preferably before 11/5/2024.

Reporting this straight from my backyard. I have NEVER seen the PRC flags proliferate this much until after the takeover in 2019. Then when the lockdowns were lifted, I started seeing these.

In 2019, the powers that be were focused on really crushing the freedom in Hong Kong, and my family wasn't aware of the work of the freedom fighters but always wanted me to stay safe and not join any political movement, so I wasn't aware of any flag-proliferation at the time, either. As HK didn't have any 2A or recourse for those who've unjustly suffered, not speaking up has prolonged us and, to my knowledge, enabled me to quietly and mostly anonymously inform others of the dangers of the poison jab.

This is what the USA will become if people don't put the Constitution into practice. Over here, we never had any 2A, so the freedom of speech we once enjoyed and which Snowden had taken advantage of was a mere illusion and certainly a thing of the past.

Yes, Hong Kong is very safe... for the ...

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