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EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

In part 2 of O'Keefe Media Group's NFL series, Rael Enteen, former Vice President of Content for the Washington Commanders, admits "Bountygate is actually a cover-up for what they [the Saints] really got caught with,” during an undercover conversation with an OMG journalist.

Recall that in part 1, Enteen labeled Black Commanders players as "homophobic," NFL players as "dumb as all hell," and referred to NFL fans as "high school educated alcoholics," amongst many other controversial revelations. Enteen, who has since been fired by the Commanders, makes further claims that Sean Payton, then head coach of the New Orleans Saints, was involved in an opioid theft scandal that the NFL concealed by promoting the "Bountygate" story as a distraction.
Enteen states that Payton and other Saints coaches were caught stealing painkillers from the team doctor, saying, “They used the story of Bountygate as the justification for the suspension to cover up the truth, which is that they had a ...

James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist Dakota Leazer on Google "Definitely Coordinating" with the Kamala Harris Campaign

I don't feel comfortable," states Dakota Leazer, a Google Growth Strategist, when confronted by James O'Keefe and O'keefe Media Group after OMG's release of undercover footage revealing Leazer admitting Google's manipulation of search engine results to favor Kamala Harris' campaign.

When O'Keefe asks Leazer to explain his comments about Google's coordination, Leazer denies his statements, saying, "I’ve never said that," despite O'Keefe showing him video evidence. "You’re on video saying these things," O'Keefe responds, pressing into Leazer's claim that Google is "reorienting the search engine so Kamala is more favored." Leazer continues to backtrack, stating, "I don't want to deal with any of this."

O'Keefe further questions Leazer on the ethical implications of Big Tech interfering in politics, only to be met with silence. Leazer abruptly abandons his date, making a hasty escape to a nearby Whole Foods, avoiding further accountability.

BREAKING: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign, Revenue-Driven Political Bias

"Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer a Growth Strategist at Google, during an undercover meeting with an OMG American Swiper journalist. Leazer reveals that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election. He explains, “It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” making users believe they were reading unbiased reports from reputable sources.

Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I...

Correction on OMG ActBlue Investigation:

On September 5th, OMG received a tip from @Austn through our X account. He reached out with concerns that we might have reported inaccurate information about our ActBlue investigation. Austin took the initiative to review Heinz Fridrich's FEC records, a story initially brought to us by a citizen journalist who had interviewed Fridrich regarding donations made in his name.

Austin discovered that these donations were actually directed to WinRed, not ActBlue, as previously reported. After verifying, we confirmed Austin’s findings.

Heinz Fridrich’s name and address appeared in donations to Win Red.

We are learning and evolving together with the citizen journalist community, which changes how we receive and verify news.

For the sake of integrity in journalism, we remain committed to accuracy and due diligence in all our reports.

We appreciate Austin’s diligence in bringing this to our attention.

We will continue to ensure our reports on ActBlue are thoroughly verified.

From raids to indictments, the justice system is being used against those who stand up to the status quo.

X: @dc_draino
Article: Orlando Sentinel


JUST IN: O’Keefe Media Group has received a tip that Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has launched an investigation into ActBlue’s fundraising practices. This follows OMG’s reports revealing suspicious ActBlue donations made in the names of citizens across the country who testify they never made them.

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